Taste and savor the richness of this moment, Guelaguetza 2022 is captured in this bottle.


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Discover the Traditional Process of Crafting Artisanal Mezcal at Chulele®

Mezcal, a traditional Mexican spirit, has gained increasing popularity and appreciation worldwide for its unique flavors and deep cultural roots. As a result, more and more consumers are seeking authentic, handcrafted mezcal to experience the true essence of this remarkable spirit. Chulele® provides more than just a high-quality, single-batch artisanal mezcal that captures the rich history, tradition, and soul of Oaxaca, Mexico – its makers also film every moment of the production process from field to bottle to allow customers who purchase their Limited Editions to enjoy a fantastically unique, fully immersive drinking experience.

Each bottle of Chulele® is meticulously crafted from agave plants handpicked by the mezcalero, ensuring that only the finest ingredients go into its making. The time-honored techniques passed down through generations are what give Chulele® its distinctive and unparalleled taste. The skillful roasting, fermenting, and distilling processes practiced by the mezcalero result in an exceptional and exciting final product admired by mezcal enthusiasts and novices alike.

What sets Chulele® apart from other mezcals is its unique, single-batch production method. Every batch of Chulele® mezcal is different because it reflects the particular influences and conditions of Oaxaca at the time of its creation. These influences include factors such as the agave plant’s cultivation, the weather, and the mezcalero’s craftsmanship. Detailed notes on each batch’s artisanal journey, including the exact location of the agave fields and the daily weather during each stage of the production process, provide each bottle’s owner with a fascinating opportunity to dive deep into the environmental factors that influenced the characteristics of their Limited Edition bottle of Chulele® mezcal.

In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the traditional process of crafting artisanal mezcal, exploring the various techniques and traditions that contribute to breaking it down into three stages: harvesting, production, and bottling. We will also discuss how Chulele®’s single-batch approach brings a truly unique and richly satisfying experience to connoisseurs and newcomers alike. By the end, you will not only have a better understanding of the mezcal-making process but also appreciate the passion, dedication, and love that goes into every single bottle of Chulele®.

Harvesting the Heart of Agave: The Beginning of Artisanal Mezcal

Beneath the sweltering sun of Oaxaca’s arid landscape, the distinct and mighty agave plant thrives. The first stage of the mezcal-making process begins with the careful selection and harvest of the agave plants. Different varieties of the agave plant contribute distinct flavors and complexities to the final mezcal product. At Chulele®, the mezcalero selects the finest agave plants by hand, adhering to traditional practices to maintain the integrity of each mezcal batch.

The harvest process is both intricate and labor-intensive. Jimadores, skilled agave harvesters, remove the agave’s long, spiky leaves, preserving the piña, or “heart,” at the plant’s center. It is within these hearty piñas that the magic of mezcal comes to life. The harvested agave piñas are then transported to the mezcal palenque, the dedicated workspace where the mezcal’s transformation begins.

A Fiery Transformation: The Roasting Process

The roasting process is crucial for imparting mezcal’s signature smoky flavor profile. Traditional mezcaleros use a conical, earth-covered pit for roasting the agave piñas. At Chulele®, the mezcalero fills the bottom of the pit with firewood and a layer of volcanic rock. The roaring flames heat the rocks to sweltering temperatures, ensuring the proper conditions for the roasting process to occur.

Once the rocks reach the desired temperature, the mezcalero arranges the agave piñas on top of the heated bed, covering them with additional layers of bagazo, the fibrous byproduct of a previously processed agave. This protective layer is critical to preventing the piñas from overcooking, allowing them to steam in their juices while simultaneously absorbing the heat and smoke from the fire. The earth-covered pit is then sealed for a period, typically ranging between three to five days. This slow roasting process is essential for caramelizing the agave’s natural sugars, intensifying the flavors and aromas that contribute to mezcal’s unique sensory experience.

The Art of Fermentation and Distillation: Unleashing the Spirit of Mezcal

Following the roasting process, the mezcalero shreds the roasted agave piñas, transforming them into a fibrous, sugar-rich pulp. This pulp is deposited into wooden vats, where natural fermentation takes place. By relying on native yeasts and bacteria in the air, traditional mezcaleros coax the sugars into alcohol over several days. This period of fermentation is crucial to the development of mezcal’s complex flavor profile, as the yeasts impart distinctive notes and characteristics to the final product.

Once fully fermented, the liquid, known as tepache, undergoes a double copper pot distillation process. The first distillation extracts the initial ethanol, separating it from the remaining agave fibers and impurities. The mezcalero then adjusts the tepache’s alcohol content for a second distillation, refining the mezcal until it achieves its desired taste and potency. The masterful execution of the distillation process is critical to preserving the agave’s nuanced flavors and creating an unparalleled spirit worthy of savoring.

An Ode to Oaxaca: The Art of Bottling Mezcal

The final stage of crafting artisanal mezcal is the meticulous process of bottling the finished product. At Chulele®, each bottle is hand-labeled, providing details of the specific batch and artfully capturing the story behind each sip. Documenting the origins of the mezcal batch allows connoisseurs to appreciate the myriad of nuances that distinguish one mezcal batch from another. Through these personalized touches, Chulele® transports you back to Oaxaca, immersing you in the spirit’s rich history and captivating culture.

The Singular Allure of Chulele®

The art of crafting artisanal mezcal is a labor of love, a testament to the rich traditions and skilled craftsmanship passed down through generations. Chulele® epitomizes this dedication, offering single-batch artisanal mezcal that reflects the soul of Oaxaca in every bottle. 

By elevating each aspect of the mezcal-making process and presenting it the form of a  documentary film, Chulele® provides a ful sensory journey through Oaxaca’s arid landscapes, fiery pits, and spirit-laden palenques. Experience the intrigue, the passion, and the allure of artisanal mezcal with Chulele®, and revel in the splendor of a time-honored tradition that’s truly unlike any other.


Oaxaca is renowned for producing exquisite mezcal, but creating this beloved spirit doesn’t come without challenges. From growing the agave to bottling the final product, each stage presents its own set of obstacles that must be carefully navigated. These challenges


A Spirit Rooted in Tradition of Oaxaca and the Day of the Dead Festival At Chulele® artisanal mezcal, we craft more than just artisanal mezcal—we create experiences that connect people to the culture, traditions, and moments that give life to

In the rolling hills of Oaxaca, Mexico, where the sun kisses the earth, a centuries-old tradition thrives. Mezcal, a spirit deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the region, is not only a beverage but an art form in its






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